Thursday, February 11, 2021

Be a Charter Subscriber! Subscribe by March 12 for Reduced Subscription Rate

Update: Charter Subscriber Rate extended to March 12!

Brrrr! It's cold outside, and we are hard at work generating our own special brand of sunshine to share with our fellow Kansans in the pages of 105: Meadowlark Reader. We have more than 30 authors representing a wide range of Kansas faces and places set for our inaugural issue of 105: Meadowlark Reader. We can't wait to share. Take a moment to subscribe at our special, introductory rate. 

Many Thanks,           

Tracy & Cheryl         

Subscribe to 105 today!

Pre-publication Special Subscription Offer 

  • 1st issue for $13 + $4 shipping & applicable taxes (shipped April/May 2021)

  • 1st year (2 issues) for $25+$4 shipping & applicable taxes (Issue #1 shipped April/May 2021; Issue #2 shipped October/November 2021)

1 comment:

  1. I'm subscribed. Looking forward to an eye-opening first issue. Thirty writers! Wow!
